Ali Artun

"Güzel Nedir?  -  Çirkinin Güzelliği"

ALİ ARTUN 1972’de Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Bölümü’nden mezun oldu. Mimarlar Odası’nda bilim ve teknoloji konuları ile mimar ve mühendislerin toplumsal konumları üzerine araştırmalar yürüttü, çeşitli makalelerin yanı sıra Fordizmin ve Mühendisin Dönüşümü adlı kitabı yazdı. 1980’den sonra Ankara Çağdaş Sahne Kültür Merkezi’ni yönetti ve burada 500 Yıllık Bilmece programı çerçevesinde sanat tarihi, edebiyat ve müzikle ilgili etkinlikler düzenledi. 1984’te Galeri Nev’in kurucusu oldu. Bu zamandan başlayarak Galeri’nin Ankara’daki sergilerini düzenledi ve aralarında Resme Bakan Yazılar, Arslan-Defterler ve Tiraje-Zamanların Hafızası’nın da bulunduğu yüzü aşkın Galeri Nev yayınının editörlüğünü yaptı. Galeri sergilerinden başka, Ankara’da Cobra ve 1950-2000, Kopenhag’da Ben Bir Başkası, İstanbul’da Mübin Orhon-Sainsbury Koleksiyonu sergilerini hazırladı. Sanart’ın kuruluşunda ve yönetiminde görev aldı. Marmara ve Yıldız üniversiteleri güzel sanatlar fakülteleri ile, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü'nde sanat tarihi dersleri verdi. 2000 yılından bu yana, kültürel eleştiri alanında eserlerin derlendiği “Sanathayat” dizisini yönetiyor. Ayrıca, kurucusu olduğu e-skop internet dergisinin editörlüğünü sürdürüyor. Son yayınlanan kitapları: Modernliğin Sınırında Sanat: Eleştiri, Özerklik, Siyaset (2006); Müze ve Modernlik (2006); Çağdaş Sanatın Örgütlenmesi (2011); Sanatın İktidarı: 1917 Devrimi, Avangard Sanat ve Müzecilik (2015); Mümkün Olmayan Müze: Müzeler Ne Gösteriyor? (2017), Nur Altınyıldız Artun ile birlikte Dada Kılavuz 1913-1923.

Prof.Dr. Behice Durgun

Groundbreaking Anatomical Reflections in Michelangelo’s and Leonardo Da Vinci’s Masterpieces

Behice Durgun was graduated from Hacettepe University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology in 1980, then she became research assistant at the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Çukurova University. She received her MSc degree in 1985 and PhD degree in 1988 from the same department. In 1989, she was attended as assistant professor at Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Çukurova University. She continued her postdoctorate study (the effects of mercaptoethanol-formaldehyde on tissue fixation and protein retention) as a visiting scientist and project manager in Department of Pathology, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee, UK, in 1991. She received his associate professor title in 1995. She has been working in the same department as a professor since 2001. For biomechanical studies, she visited German Sport University Cologne (Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln), in 2002. She has been teaching students in medicine, dentristy, pharmacy, physical education and in engineering. Her research interests include; plastination, the effects of rapid fixation on macroscopic and molecular structures, anatomy, neuroanatomy, sports sciences, anthropometric and biomechanical modeling, safety and health at work, ergonomics and the design of high automation system. automation systems. She has published more than 125 papers, most of them in peer-reviewed journals. Many of these journals are in SCI-Expanded publication list. She has five published books about anatomy, sports sciences and ergonomics, and many sections on 20 translated books. She is served as an editor, editorial board member and reviewer of several reputed journals. She is a member of Turkish Society of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy, Turkish Society of Sports Sciences, Turkish Society of Ergonomics, Turkish Association of Development of Medical Education, Turkish Brain Research Organization, International Brain Research Organization, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, British Association of Clinical Anatomists (BACA) and New York Academy of Sciences. She attended in many national and international congress and conferences relating anatomy, biomechanics, rheumatology, orthopedics, material sciences, human resource development, ergonomics and system engineering as honorary invited, plenary or key speaker. She has seven national and twelve international awards. She was also awarded  “2016 Biotechnology Award” by Global Pharma and Healthcare,  “Healthcare & Life Sciences Awards 2017”  by Corporate LiveWire, and “2018 Biotechnology Awards, Basic Medicine Professor of the Year” by AI Global Media and Global Pharma and Healthcare. She has a son.


Behice Durgun, BSc, MSc, PhD

Professor of Anatomy, Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine,

Çukurova University,01330, Adana, Turkey


Maria Pilar Viviente Solé

Professor Ph.D. At The Faculty Of Fine Arts, UMH. in Altea, España

Multidisciplinary Artist. Painter-Mixed Media, Pianist-Composer, Writer.

"Art Education in Higher Education Process in Spain. "


Çukurova University, Faculty of Education, Fine Arts Education Department 01330 Balcalı, Sarıçam, ADANA, TURKEY